Social mediaMonthly 10 GB is provided for free WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook.
International calls
Weekdays and on official working days – 0.32 ₼/min.
Every day 00:00-08:00, on weekends, and on all official non-working days – 0.24 ₼/min.
Charging interval for calls is 60 sec.
Charging interval for internet is 5 MB.
The migration fee is 0 ₼. 22 ₼ should be on balance to pay the monthly fee. To renew the tariff before expiration period, please use Bakcell mobile app or dial *320#. If you renew the tariff before the package period expires, the remaining package will be removed.
Monthly 10 GB is provided for free WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook. The traffic for video calls via Instagram and voice messages via Facebook Messenger is charged from the main 10 GB bonus package.
Additional details
Countrywide calls (if subscription fee is paid) – 0.10 ₼/min.
Countrywide calls (if subscription fee is not paid) – 0.20 ₼/dəq.