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    All for your convenience

    Stay in touch longer with a CINKredit service!

    You can benefit from CINKredit service up to 5 times.

    CINKredit activation

    CINKredit activation

    Just dial * 1 5 0 # and get 1 ₼ credit!
    Your first CINKredit is finished? Take the second.
    Check credit status

    Check credit status

    In order to check your debt status dial * 1 5 0 * 1 #
    Obtaining the credit does not prolong active status of number. If your number become inactive, you will be able to use the received CINKredit after reactivation of number.
    To top up your credit balance:
    • Your number must be active. 
    • You must have topped up your balance at least once in the last 30 days. 
    • The available credit amount is determined based on your top-up history. 

    Credit discharge

    • Both credits can be covered after first top-up or money transfer to your balance (second credit doesn’t cover first credit amount)
    • Both of your credit amounts will be charged back from your first top-up or money transfer. If you don’t have enough money to pay back your credit or used both credit opportunities, the remaining part will be charged at your next top-up or money transfer
    • You can take second CINKredit without discharging the first one, but in order to take the third CINKredit you will have to discharge at least one of previously taken CINKredits
    • In case if you don’t cover your credit within 20 days, your number will be automatically moved to special list. The number from this list is not able to get second credit. After covering the debt subscriber will be able to get new credit.

    Service fee

    Service fee - 0.20₼

    Service application fee via *150# - 0.08₼

    Cost of status request via *150*1# - 0.08₼

    All prices are VAT inclusive.

    Cannot you use CINKredit service? Then you can get “Emergency credit” and stay in touch! Dial *150*01# and get 1 AZN “Emergency credit”.
    Service fee of "Emergency credit" - 0.40 ₼
    Service application fee via *150*01# - 0.08 ₼
    Cost of status request via *150*1# - 0.08 ₼

    See more

    • To get “Emergency credit” your number should be active;
    • “Emergency credit” does not cover your previous credit debts and prolongs the active status of the number. If your number becomes inactive, you will be able to use the received credit after reactivation of the number;
    • Credits can be covered after the first top-up or money transfer to your balance;
    • In case you do not cover your credit within 20 days, the number will be automatically moved to a special list. The number from this list is not able to get any credit. After covering the debt, a subscriber will be able to get new credit.


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