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    Bakcell held a graduation event for young developers
    Bakcell held a graduation event for young developers

    Application process for “AppLab” acceleration program has now started. Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and the Fastest Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan has announced this year’s graduates of its AppLab program. At the event dedicated to success of projects, which participated in the AppLab program during the 2018-2019 season, the authors of “Run2Help”, “”, “Madebyaz” and “Balta” projects have shared their thoughts about the important role of “AppLab” program in the process of turning their ideas into the finished and demanded products. The young developers were awarded with special certificates from Bakcell. “We see great potential in Azerbaijani youth, and I’m confident that their ideas can be turned into products and services able to compete not only on the local market, but on the international arena as well. Bakcell is very proud to see that the mobile application and products developed by teams who use the benefits of the AppLab center, being one of the most innovative environments in the country, are actively used by the consumers. This proves that our activities are very effective and we’re proud to see so many successful projects among the AppLab participants” says Bakcell CEO Nikolai Beckers. Note that Bakcell was one of the first companies in the country to support implementation of projects aimed at development of startup environment in Azerbaijan. Since the launch of “AppLab” program in 2014, local hardware and software developers are enabled to submit their ideas and get support from Bakcell. Teams participating in the “AppLab” project of Bakcell are granted access to the company’s “AppLab” Center and provided with free internet access, desk and training space, along with the opportunity to use the latest devices for developing and testing their products. Within the frames of agreement, signed last year with INNOLAND Incubation and Acceleration Center, Bakcell and INNOLAND jointly implement the incubation program for local startups. Therefore, from now on “AppLab” will operate as the Acceleration Center. It should be noted that the AppLab Acceleration Center announced the start of application acceptance process. “Ru2Help” project which already successfully passed the incubation process at AppLab has been accepted to participate in the acceleration at the renewed center. Being a known leader in innovation, Bakcell will continue supporting the local startups, as well as project implemented in the area of education, science and technology. *** About Bakcell Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a wide range of products and Services to users of modern mobile communications Services. The company provides its customers with the best-in-class 4G mobile internet. The 4G services of Bakcell are already available in Baku and Absheron peninsula, as well as central parts of more than 40 regions of Azerbaijan. With more than 7000 base stations, Bakcell network covers 99% of the population and 93% of the land area of the country (except for the occupied territories). In 2017, Bakcell network has been recognized as the “Best in Test” in Azerbaijan by P3 Communications, being one of the most trusted independent authorities in mobile benchmarking. Bakcell has been recognized as the Fastest Mobile Network in Azerbaijan. This award, presented by world-famous “Ookla” company, recognizes Bakcell’s commitment to delivering fastest speeds to customers all across Azerbaijan. For more information about Bakcell products and services, please visit or call 555. For press releases please see (or for press releases in English). If you are not a Bakcell subscriber, but wish to find out about Bakcell and its products and services, please call 012 498 89 89. {gallery} /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers1.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers2.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers3.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers4.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers5.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers6.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers7.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers8.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers9.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers10.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers11.jpg /uploads/bakcell_graduation_event_for_developers12.jpg {/gallery}