Bakcell – the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan has joined yet another “ASAN Letter” initiative, organized by the “ASAN Volunteers” on the occasion of the “Knowledge Day”.
Within the frames of this project, a special campaign was organized together with the “Friends of Schoolchildren” (“Məktəblinin dostu”) joint initiative of the Ministry of Education and “ASAN Xidmet”. The main purpose of the campaign is to bring joy to children and fulfill their wishes submitted in the form of letters to the website, on the eve of the new academic year.
On this occasion, a special event has been organized with participation of Bakcell representatives and ASAN Volunteers, where more than 50 schoolchildren from economically disadvantaged families who study in 1-9th grades have received school backpacks and other school supplies as a gift.
The main purpose of the “ASAN Letter” project is to bring joy to children from sensitive and disadvantaged groups, increase the overall social responsibility and the sense of care in the society. For more than 2 years now Bakcell supports the “ASAN Letter” project and during this period the initiative helped fulfilling the dreams of almost 500 kids from Baku and the regions of Azerbaijan (Lahich, Gabala, Shirvan, Neftchala). This project, committed to turning the dreams and wishes of children into reality, covers children aged up to 14, by means of the website. Thus, letters written by the children are placed to the said website and their wishes are being fulfilled by the kind-hearted citizens. Mobile communication support for this project is also provided by Bakcell.
Bakcell always keeps in mind the children in need for special care and children from sensitive and disadvantaged families. The company frequently supports the “ASAN Letter” and other projects aimed at bringing joy to the children and showing them lots of care and attention.
About Bakcell
Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a wide range of products and services to users of modern mobile telecommunications. The company provides its customers with the best-in-class 4G mobile internet.
With more than 7000 base stations, Bakcell network covers 99% of the population and 93% of the land area of the country (except for the occupied territories). In 2017, Bakcell network has been recognized as the “Best in Test” in Azerbaijan by P3 Communications, being one of the most trusted independent authorities in mobile benchmarking.
The 4G services of Bakcell are already available in Baku and Absheron peninsula, as well as central parts of more than 30 regions of Azerbaijan.
For more information about Bakcell products and services, please visit or call 555. For press releases please see (or for press releases in English).
If you are not a Bakcell subscriber, but wish to find out about Bakcell and its products and services, please call 012 498 89 89.
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