Bakcell – the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet provider of Azerbaijan, launches a new intellectual project named “ƏlfəCIN”, within the frames of its cooperation with one of the country’s leading youth organizations - Khazar Intellectual Youth Club.
The main purpose of “ƏlfəCIN” project is to expand the intellectual gaming movement, promote efficient leisure time activities of the youth, reveal their intellectual potential and help them gain even more achievements in education.
Participation in the “ƏlfəCIN” project is open for all the interested persons. Tournaments on such games as “What? Where? When?” (“Что? Где? Когда?)”, “Brain Ring”, “Khamsa” and “Your own game” (“Своя Игра”) will be organized within the frames of this project.
The “Winter Cup”, being a first tournament of the project’s “What? Where? When?” series, was organized on 14.12.2014 by the Khazar Intellectual Youth Club and Baku City Head Department for Youth and Sports, with the support of Bakcell. More than 160 participants from the 27 strongest teams of the country have taken part in the tournament. The tournament consisted of 5 rounds, with 15 questions in each round. The competition will be remembered for a very intense sporting competition atmosphere. As a result, “Strekoza Geyzenberqa” has finished third, “Leviafan” team became second and the “Vendetta” team took the first place.
The next “What? Where? When?” tournament, which is to take place in January 2015, will be conducted in the form of the “student games”. Participation of more than 1000 students from 16 regions of Azerbaijan is expected at this tournament. Information about other tournaments, held within the frames of the project, will be published on the official websites of Bakcell and Khazar Intellectual Youth Club, as well as other social media channels.
About Bakcell
Bakcell, The First Mobile Operator and the Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a variety of products for modern mobile communications customers. Bakcell provides class leading 3G mobile internet experience in the country under the Sür@ brand name.
As one of the largest national non-oil investors, Bakcell today continues making large investments in the economy of Azerbaijan through its investments in state-of-the-art telecommunication technology and its people who service our customers.
Bakcell’s network covers more than 99% of the population and 93% of the land area of the country (excluding occupied territories). Bakcell is a leader in innovation and it focuses on bringing the best of the mobile internet to Azerbaijanis through new partnerships and its Sür@ services.
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Khazar Intellectual Youth Club
Visit the link below for more detailed information about “Khazar Intellectual Youth Club” – the first native language intellectual club games movement of Azerbaijan:əzər_İntellektual_Gənclər_Klubu#Qeyri-h.C3.B6kum.C9.99t_v.C9.99_kommersiya_t.C9.99.C5.9Fkilatlar.C4.B1