Bakcell – the First Mobile Operator and the Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, announces the “Smart Start” internship program, designed for the young people, students and graduates aged 18-25, who are planning to start their careers. The “Smart Start” internship program makes it easier to pass from academic life into a career, helps the interns to obtain practical experience in one of the biggest companies of Azerbaijan, participate in the trainings on business ethics, career development and get acquainted with the professional life of Bakcell.
The duration of the internship is 2 months, with 5 complete business days a week. Bakcell will provide the interns with a relevant stipend to cover their daily meal and travel expenses. Upon completion of the internship program, all the participants will be evaluated and granted with the certificates proving their participation in the project.
In order to get more detailed information about and apply for participation at the “Smart Start” internship program, please follow the link:
It should be noted that last year more than 1500 applications for the participation in the “Smart Start” internship program were submitted to Bakcell. Some of the young persons who have successfully completed the program and demonstrated exceptional results were provided with permanent jobs at Bakcell.
Being one of the biggest employers of Azerbaijan, Bakcell offers equal opportunities to all employees and applicants. The Company follows transparency principles during all the recruitment and selection processes.
About Bakcell
Bakcell, The First Mobile Operator and the Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a variety of products for modern mobile communications customers. Bakcell provides class leading 3G mobile internet experience in the country under the Sür@ brand name.
As one of the largest national non-oil investors, Bakcell today continues making large investments in the economy of Azerbaijan through its investments in state-of-the-art telecommunication technology and its people who service our customers.
Bakcell’s network covers more than 99% of the population and 93% of the land area of the country (excluding occupied territories). Bakcell is a leader in innovation and it focuses on bringing the best of the mobile internet to Azerbaijanis through new partnerships and its Sür@ services.
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