Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator in Azerbaijan continuously surprises its customers. Many times before Bakcell has organized outstanding campaigns – lotteries and SMS quizzes, through which Bakcell customers were able to win dozens of great prizes. Just a few months ago, in April, one of the Bakcell customers won the SMS quiz ”Win Porsche Cayenne in 70 days” and became the owner of the brand new Porsche Cayenne. By popular demand of the customers, Bakcell delightfully announces a new SMS quiz “Choose one of three Porsche”, which will create another chance for Bakcell customers to win Porsche of their dream.
This time the lucky customer will not only win the super prize, but also choose the prize among dynamic Porsche Cayenne, sporty Porsche Cayman or a cool Porsche Panamera. SMS Quiz will run for 77 days – from November 10, 2011 till January 25, 2012. The quiz was designed in a way to give subscribers many chances to win prizes. During the whole quiz period, there will be daily, weekly and final draws to select the winners. To make sure that the selection is made in an absolutely transparent way, it will be based on electronic raffle conducted with the participation of the Drawing Committee approved by the State Committee of Securities of the Azerbaijan Republic. The Drawing Committee will include an external expert.
Any Bakcell customer, including CIN, Klass and Gold individual subscribers can avail this fantastic opportunity and win a number of great prizes. To participate in the Quiz, subscribers need to simply send an SMS with text “START” to 333 and be active to answer the short questions sent to them from 333. All SMS questions will include two answer options, only one of which will be correct. Participants will need to reply to the SMS question with either “1” or “2” with their choice of the correct answer. Each correct answer will bring 10 points to the participant. Note that wrong answers do not subtract any points from the score already collected by the subscriber. That simply means you do not lose if you choose the wrong answer, the number of the SMS you sent can still win you a prize. Each SMS to 333 will cost 0.69 AZN (VAT incl.).
The chances to win daily and weekly draws will be higher in those subscribers, who sent more SMS messages to 333. Every day, except Sundays, for the period of 77 days a lucky winner will get 100 AZN for every SMS sent on that day. Each participant can send up to 100 SMS messages every day and win 10,000 AZN if he is the lucky one to be selected by the electronic raffle draw. For instance, if a subscriber sends 10 SMS messages and gets chosen by the electronic raffle, his money prize will be equal to 1000 AZN.
On Sundays, the money prize will be doubled. Each participant can send up to 100 SMS and win 200 AZN for every SMS, which means a subscriber can win 20,000 AZN if he is chosen by the electronic raffle.
The Grand Prize - Porsche winner will be the player with the most points, collected over the whole quiz duration. Remember, that the points gathered from answering the SMS questions correctly, NOT the number of the sent SMS messages will be counted for the final draw. The lucky winner of the final draw will be given a choice to select the Grand Prize - a Porsche of his dream among dynamic Porsche Cayenne, sporty Porsche Cayman or Porsche Panamera!
Do not miss this great opportunity! Join Bakcell’s exciting SMS quiz right away and let your SMS win you Porsche of your dream!
For more information about the SMS quiz, its terms and conditions please visit
The chances to win daily and weekly draws will have those subscribers, who sent more SMS messages to 333.