Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and the Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, has celebrated the Republic Day together with inhabitants of Mazam and Gushchu Ayrim villages of Gazakh region which are located in border with Armenia. On May 30, employees of Bakcell organized distribution of food parcels among 250 houses of these villages. The action was organized with organizational assistance of Gazakh branch of Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society.Bakcell, who intends provide the population living in remote regions of the country with high-quality communication services, is the only mobile operator that installed a transmitter station in Gushchu Ayrim village.According to Mr. Richard Shearer, Chief Executive Officer of Bakcell, Bakcell stands ready to provide all our residents from remote regions with high quality mobile communication services: “We continually review the quality and availability of our network on a nationwide basis. We immediately respond to request of population from remote areas who has not access to mobile communication services. Providing high-quality communication in frontline areas is a high priority for us”.Recently, residents of this village have addressed Bakcell with a letter, communicating about problems related to usage of mobile communication services, encountered by the population of neighboring villages. Despite the fact that the mentioned villages are located in remote areas and border with Armenia, Bakcell, who pays a special attention to customer satisfaction and needs of the population, has applied every effort in order to provide the population with high quality mobile communication services. As a response to the above mentioned letter, new base stations were shortly installed, and the population of remote regions is now able to use Bakcell services.
***About BakcellBakcell, The First Mobile Operator and the Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan offers a variety of products for modern mobile communications customers. Bakcell provides class leading 3G mobile internet experience in the country under the sur@ brand name. As one of the largest national non-oil investors, Bakcell today continues making large investments in the economy of Azerbaijan through its investments in state-of-the-art telecommunication technology and its people who service our customers. Bakcell’s network covers more than 99% of the population and 92% of the land area of the country (excluding occupied territories). Bakcell is a leader in innovation and it focuses on bringing the best of the mobile internet to Azerbaijanis through new partnerships and its Sür@ services. With 257 retail outlets and 7 Customer Service Centers operating 24x7 Bakcell provides the best customer experience to its customers. For more information about Bakcell products and services, please call 555.For press releases please see (or for press releases in English).If you are not a Bakcell subscriber, but wish to find out about Bakcell and its services, please call 055 000 05 55