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    Attention to Bakcell subscribers
    Attention to Bakcell subscribers

    “Baksell Ltd” LLC, the first mobile operator in Azerbaijan, announces that on 5 May, 2011, Bakcell will switch all Cin subscribers from contour to manat system, setting all prices in AZN. After the transition, all tariff plans and services will remain the same, only the prices in contours will be replaced by manat value, equivalent to former contour-based pricing.The change will happen as follows: The subscribers who still have contours on their balances can use them till exhaustion. After the contours are finished, the charging will switch to manat. Subscribers will continue using scratch cards to load money onto their balances. Even today all scratch cards show the manat value. There will be no change in scratch cards. Just like in the previous system, subscribers will be informed on their remaining balances after each call and SMS. Subscribers will continue to receive monthly bonuses. All contour based bonuses will be converted into money as following:  1000 contours paid to SevimliCin subscribers equivalent to 2 AZN, 500 contours paid to SevinCin subscribers equivalent to 1 AZN 120 contours paid to QoshaCin subscribers equivalent to 25 qepicks, which means 25 on-net minutes of talks between QoshaCin partners. All minute-based bonuses, i.e. 25 on-net minute 1) for new Cin subscribers, 2) for existing Cin subscribers who get it today will remain the same. Detailed information about the prices in manats for various tariff packages will be available on the company website, in Bakcell Service Centers, Bakcell  Customer Care and Sales Centers, dealer shops prior to launch of the transition from contours to money.