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    A winner who will represent Azerbaijan at World Skills Final has been announced
    A winner who will represent Azerbaijan at World Skills Final has been announced

    Bakcell, The First Mobile Operator and The Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan together with the Association of Football Federations of Azerbaijan are pleased to announce results of Manchester United Soccer School Baku Skills challenges organized at the Bayil Arena Stadium. The 42 of 43 current MUSS players took part in selections in order to represent Azerbaijan in World Skills Final which will be held at Old Trafford in the city of Manchester. During selections players took part in a number of skills challenges, based on skills perfected by Manchester United heroes. These challenges are designed so that all kids, regardless of age, can compete on level terms. Measured on skills and techniques from ball control to passing accuracy, players are awarded points. The 11 year old highest scorer Nijat Guliyev will take part in skills challenges with winners of all other courses in the UK and around the world and represent MUSS Azerbaijan.  “Thank you to all the parents, kids and staff at MUSS Baku for all their hard work and efforts since the opening of our school in October 2014. The Baku Skills challenge event was a fantastic reflection on what we are trying to create here at the school, fun, motivation, participation, and healthy competition in a positive learning environment, to name a few! Congratulations to Nijat Quliyev on winning what will be an experience of a life time, travelling to Manchester to the ‘Theatre of Dreams’ watching the first team train and play and representing our school and Azerbaijan in the World Skills Final, competing against players from all around the world, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Nijat has worked hard during his time at our school both on and off the pitch, and has earned respect from everybody; he is a deserving ‘ambassador’ for MUSS Baku, he travels with the best wishes and support from all of us at the school. Once again a big thank you to everyone including Bakcell and AFFA for their continued support, and remember, LET THE CHILDREN PLAY!”, says Mick Bennett, Head Coach of Manchester United Soccer Schools in Baku, Azerbaijan. Starting from 2015, selections for WSF will be held on regular basis in MUSS in Baku. Every year one kid will be selected from Manchester United Soccer School in Azerbaijan who will travel to Old Trafford to the WSF. *** About Bakcell Bakcell, The First Mobile Operator and the Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a variety of products for modern mobile communications customers. Bakcell provides class leading 3G and 4G mobile internet experience in the country under the Sür@ brand name. As one of the largest national non-oil investors, Bakcell today continues making large investments in the economy of Azerbaijan through its investments in state-of-the-art telecommunication technology and its people who service our customers. With a long term partnership contract Bakcell is Manchester United’s first official telecommunications and broadcast partner in all CIS countries, bringing a range of unique and exclusive content to the country’s football fans and in particular the fans of Manchester United. For more information about Bakcell products and services, please visit or call 555.For press releases please see (or for press releases in English). If you are not a Bakcell subscriber, but wish to find out about Bakcell and its services, please call 055 000 05 55